What critical amendments, seen and unseen, are necessary for the current Leahy-Berman comprehensive patent reform bill to pass? What key elements may be enacted? To assess and be prepared for potential impact on business, everyone needs to stay current with the late-stage amendments that could create instant “winners” and “losers.”
By presenting balanced points of views, incorporating various industry perspectives, this Web conference explored the critical features that will impact business most dramatically, amendments that may or may not help (or set back) the bill, and how business can and should be involved with the legislative process.
Foley Speakers:
- Sharon R. Barner, partner and chair, Intellectual Property Department
- George C. Best, partner, Intellectual Property Litigation Practice
- David R. Melton, of counsel, Intellectual Property Litigation Practice
- Harold C. Wegner, partner, Intellectual Property Department
Additional Program in this Web Conference Series include:
- Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Patent Nation: In the Wake of KSR: Sea Change or Wait-and-See? - Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Patent Nation: Jon W. Dudas on the New USPTO Claims & Continuations Rules
For more information, please contact Megan Wilroy at 312.832.4507 or [email protected].