American Bar Association Health Law Section's 6th Annual Washington Healthcare Summit
ABA Health Law Section's 6th Annual Washington Healthcare Summit
Foley Partners Gregory McClune and Charles Oppenheim are speaking at the American Bar Association (ABA) Health Law Section’s 6th Annual Washington Healthcare Summit, November 17 – 18, 2008 in Arlington, Virginia.
Mr. Oppenheim is speaking on November 17, 2008 from 3:00 p.m. – 4:15 p.m. with Carl Jean-Baptiste, Associate General Counsel, MedStar Health, Inc. Their session is titled “Practical Approaches to Challenging Physician Self-Referral Issues.” The physician self-referral (or Stark) area is one of the most challenging to navigate successfully. With the law’s strict liability penalties, parties must focus on every detail in every case, no matter how challenging or complex the arrangement. This session will provide the perspectives of a private practitioner and in-house counsel on how to approach challenging situations involving how to determine whether a Stark violation has occurred, how to determine fair market value (with or without appraisals), what constitutes remuneration, and how the law affects evolving pay for performance models.
Mr. McClune is speaking on November 18, 2008 from 1:15 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. with Leon R. Sequeria, Assistant Secretary for Policy, U.S. Department of Labor. Their session is titled “Labor Organizing and Targeting the Healthcare Industry.” Labor unions are under great pressure to increase organizing activities and have targeted one of our Nation’s greatest domestic business areas: healthcare. Corporate organizing campaigns in healthcare have been on the rise, and pending legislation before Congress could give this effort a significant boost. This session will discuss the state of, and reasons for, union organization in healthcare, health care related initiatives of the Department of Labor, recent activity by the National Labor Relations Board, and prognostications for the future in light of the outcomes of the Presidential and Congressional elections.
For more information, please visit ABA’s Web site.