DME suppliers need a practical way to understand the new telemarketing and beneficiary contact restrictions because failure to comply will result in denials of payment on DME claims. Repeated or intentional violations can expose suppliers to sanctions, false claims act liability, and exclusion from the Medicare and Medicaid programs. During the session, attendees will:
Identify and understand DME marketing compliance issues, particularly telemarketing and beneficiary contact
Discuss a case study to illustrate DME marketing risk areas
Explore best practices and solutions to DME marketing challenges
Receive sample tools and resources on DME marketing compliance
Comprised of member companies and individuals who manufacture, sell, rent, provide and/or distribute home medical equipment, oxygen, I.V. therapy and home care services, MESA’s mission is to promote, develop and maintain the efficacy and efficiency of competent management in the Durable Medical Equipment industry and to provide information, education and training, and legislative pro-activity for member companies.