- Hidden Franchises: Avoiding Trap Doors
- Declaratory Judgments as a Strategic Weapon: Sometimes the Best Defense Is a Good Offense
- Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter, Oh My! What Businesses Need to Know About Using Social Media
- The Courts Step Up to the Plate: New Developments in Class Action and Arbitration Law
- The World Wide Web of Threats to Your Company’s Confidential Information: Lessons Learned in Trade Secret and Computer Crimes Litigation
- The Top 10 Cases of 2011 – 2012
- Making the Case for Termination
- Buyer Beware: Distribution and Franchise Successor Liability
- Noncompete News You Can Use
- Tales From the Crypt: Legal Nightmares Your Marketing Department Can Cause Your Company
- Would I Lie? The Resurgence of False Advertising Litigation as a Business Strategy
- Strategies for Litigation Prevention: How to Stay Out of Court
- Recent Trends in FTC and Class Action Litigation
- Are You the Weakest Link? The California Transparency in Supply Chains Act of 2010
- The Case for Using Commissioned Agents
- Calling It a “Minimum Advertised Price” Won’t Safely Take You Everywhere You Might Want to Go
- Balancing Discounts, “Spiffs,” and the Robinson-Patman Act
- Foreign Corrupt Practices Act: Overview, Developments, and Red Flags
- Managing the Troubled Foreign Agent/Distributor: Saying “You’re Fired” in Spanish, Arabic, Portuguese …
- Antitrust Conspiracy Liability 2012: No Handshake Required
Roundtable Lunch Sessions (Limited Seating)
Session 1: Issues in Dealer Terminations
Session 2: Pricing and Antitrust Issues
Session 3: Internet Marketing Issues
Session 4: Litigation Strategies
This year, you will have the choice to attend an interactive Roundtable Lunch Session. The sessions have very limited seating, so please select your session preference when registering.
Parking is available in the US Bank parking structure for $17. Preferred alternative parking is available in the CPS surface lot located at 701 E. Clybourn Street for $5.00.
For additional information, please contact Kristen Martin at [email protected] or 312.832.4725.
Roberta F. (Bobbi) Howell is the attorney responsible for the content of this program. She may be reached at [email protected] or 608.258.4273.
Foley & Lardner LLP will apply for CLE credit after the program, wherever applicable. Foley & Lardner LLP certifies that this activity has been approved for California MCLE credits by the State Bar of California in the amount of 5.25 General credits. Foley & Lardner LLP is a State Bar of California MCLE approved provider. Please note that participants must be in attendance on the date of the event; credit may not be obtained by viewing and/or listening to a program recording after the event.