IP in the Reform Era 2012: Deciphering New Options, New Pitfalls, and New Strategies
Join Foley for the next program in our IP in the Reform Era 2012 seminar series to discuss:
- Patent Eligibility and Other Supreme Court Cases, featuring high-profile cases encompassing life sciences (Myriad/Prometheus) and software/business methods (CLS, Ultramercial), which are bound to have a significant and lasting impact.
- AIA and Shifts in Jurisdiction and Litigation Strategies, highlighting immediate and anticipated shifts in litigation strategies by NPEs and others, including issues on joinder and the ITC. We also will unveil a new bi-monthly “nuts and bolts of U.S. patent litigation” seminar series that will provide up to 12 CLE credits.
- Post-AIA Mini-Case Studies for Post-Grant Proceedings, Licensing, and Litigation, featuring a walk-through of a few hypothetical case studies involving post-grant proceedings and licensing and/or litigation.
- Hot Topics on New AIA Rules, clarifying myths and overlooked issues, such as first-to-file and “bubble filing.”
Foley Speakers
Pavan K. Agarwal, Partner and Chair, IP Department
Andrew S. Baluch, Special Counsel, IP Department, and Vice-Chair, Patent Office Trials Practice
Etsuo Doi, Partner, Electronics Practice, and Co-Manager, Tokyo office
Michael D. Kaminski, Partner, IP Department, and Co-Manager, Tokyo office
Stephen B. Maebius, Partner, IP Department
Kristel Schorr, Partner, IP Department, and Vice-Chair, Chemical, Biotechnology & Pharmaceutical Practice
Harold C. Wegner, Partner, IP Department
This seminar is offered free of charge to Foley clients and key contacts, but pre-registration is required.
English – Japanese simultaneous translation will be provided.
For specific information in English or Japanese on the content of this seminar, please contact Tamaki Honda at [email protected].
Foley & Lardner LLP will apply for CLE credit after the program, wherever applicable. Foley & Lardner LLP certifies that this activity has been approved for California MCLE credits by the State Bar of California in the amount of four General credits. Foley & Lardner LLP is a State Bar of California MCLE approved provider. Please note that participants must be in attendance on the date of the event; credit may not be obtained by viewing and/or listening to a program recording after the event.