“Institutional Shareholder and Hedge Fund Relations and Issues” was a featured breakout session at the seventh annual National Directors Institute hosted by Foley & Lardner LLP on March 6, 2008, in Chicago. The session was co-moderated by Phillip M. Goldberg, Partner, Foley; John K. Wilson, Partner, Foley; Richard H. Grubaugh, Senior Vice President, D.F. King & Co., Inc.; Emily McNeal, Executive Director, UBS Securities LLC; and Gordon McCoun, Vice Chairman, FD/Ashton Partners. Panelists included Jeffrey A. Brown, Senior Corporate Counsel, Motorola, Inc., and John Palmer, Co-Founder, PL Capital LLC. The panel participants presented a balanced discussion of the interaction between a public company and an activist shareholder, focusing on the strategy of the company preparing for and responding to contact from a hedge fund as well as on the hedge fund’s expectations of the company’s management and board of directors.
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