Foley’s 2010 Cleantech Energy Patent Landscape Report Executive Summary highlights key findings from a review of nearly 825 granted U.S. patents specific to clean energy production, efficiency, and conservation technologies within 11 focal categories:
- Solar
- Wind
- Hydro
- Geothermal
- Biomass
- Nuclear
- Hybrid vehicles
- Fuel cells for vehicles
- Utility metering
- Smart grid technologies
- CO2 storage or sequestration
To aid industry executives, start-ups, individual inventors, and investors in identifying and leveraging market opportunities in this continually changing landscape, this annual analysis offers insight on regional cleantech activity, the specific technologies for which patent protection is being granted and who is obtaining these patents, focal points for venture capital investments, areas of patentable white space, and potential licensing availability for corporate entities.
Foley’s Executive Summary can be found by clicking the link below. For a copy of our full 2010 Cleantech Energy Patent Landscape Report, please contact John Lazarus at [email protected].