President's Proposed Budget Provides 4.1% Increase for NNI: Energy Way Up; Defense Way Down
We have been reviewing the President’s budget proposals announced yesterday, February 13, 2012 (fiscal year 2013 President’s Budget). In particular, we are looking at impact on nanotech and cleantech. Some highlights:
First, the NNI was given a 4.1% increase (NNI is National Nanotechnology Initiative). The total would rise to $1.8B.
Second, within the NNI heavy cuts are slated for defense, including DOD (down 20%) and Homeland Security (down 14%).
Third, within the NNI, heavy increases are proposed for Energy (up 40%) and the EPA (up 12%).
Interesting that in the webinar provided explaining the rationale, a research program can be cut for failure for lack of good future prospects. Alternatively, however, a research program can be cut if it is commercially successful and transitioning to the private sector. Hence, the input from government is for those programs in the middle.
The webinar also featured the administration continues to assert that the federal government had a major impact over the past thirty years on shale gas developments.