Of Counsel Mark Neuberger was quoted in an article by JD Supra on October 16, 2013 titled “What’s the One Thing Missing from Most Employee Handbooks?” Neuberger was quoted saying, “The one thing missing from many employee handbooks that I review is an effective and detailed non solicitation policy. Many employers do not realize that an effective non solicitation policy is one of the most effective tools in thwarting a union organizing campaign. Many employers dismiss them, especially those employers in white collar environments, by thinking ‘it can never happen here’. But when it does, it is often too late. The law under the National Labor Relations Act, which by the way is not just limited to unionized workplaces, is somewhat complex in what an employer can and cannot do in limiting employee solicitation, especially in this age of email and social media. Employers should take the time and invest in competent professional advice to craft a non solicitation policy that will meet their needs.”