The Hub Highlights Gardere’s 24th Annual MLK Jr. Oratory Competition in Dallas
Dallas Independent School District's publication, The Hub, featured the 24th Annual Gardere MLK Jr. Oratory Competition held at the Majestic Theatre in downtown Dallas. Lyriq Turner, a fifth-grade student from Charles Rice Learning Center, took first place in the competition.
Fourth- and fifth-grade students representing 15 elementary schools from across the district presented original speeches answering the question, “What would Dr. King say in his campaign speech if he were running for president this year?”
“Through every walk of life, let morality be our guiding light,” said Ms. Turner. “When we let morality be our guiding light, we will be able to speed up that day when all children – black, white, poor, rich, fatherless, fathered, citizen and immigrant – will be able to join hands and solve humanity’s problems.”
The full article can be accessed here. Other articles from the publication featuring the competition can be accessed here and here.