New York Times Quotes Mexico City Partner Alejandro Gómez-Strozzi in NAFTA Analysis
Alejandro N. Gómez-Strozzi, a partner in Gardere’s international trade and customs practice group and a representative of Mexican industry during the first round of NAFTA negotiations, spoke with the New York Times about various obstacles surrounding the trade talks.
“It is hard to reconcile the political language of the U.S. leaders and their aggressiveness and their sense of being abused by Mexico in the relationship,” said Gómez, Mexico’s undersecretary of economy from 2000 to 2006. “NAFTA needs some improvement, but not in the light that is being portrayed by the U.S. president.”
Experienced in both private practice and government, Gómez was the undersecretary of economy in charge of foreign investment, standards and trade remedies during President Vicente Fox´s administration. In addition, he previously led the Mexican Investigative Authority regarding trade remedies in the Ministry of Economy.
The entire article can be accessed here.