Labor and Employment Co-Chair Rachel Steely Discusses the Importance of a Social Media Policy in the Workplace With National Law Journal
Gardere partner Rachel Powitzky Steely, co-chair of the firm’s labor and employment practice, spoke with National Law Journal on the value of social media policies in the workplace following the recent incident of an employee who was fired after a photo of her giving an offending gesture to the president went viral.
“Social media policies have been a big deal in the last few years,” Steely told the publication. “These social media policies are important because there is so much exposure. There are definitely pitfalls that employers can fall into.”
Steely is recognized as one of the foremost female trial lawyers in Texas specializing in employment law. She is well-versed in the field of unfair competition litigation, including extensive experience representing clients in prosecuting and defending expedited proceedings seeking emergency injunctive relief related to non-competes, trade secret theft and embezzlement, which allows her to provide quick, strategic and efficient representation for employers and executives.
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