Elizabeth Tiernan
Special Counsel
Elizabeth Tiernan works with national and regional developers, contractors, and corporate counsel and helps them navigate a range of complex construction and general business matters including breach of contract claims, negligence, defense and indemnity, and compliance. Through her experience, Elizbeth brings a broad understanding of sophisticated legal skills that she uses to provide clients with clear, actionable guidance to achieve their business objectives and protect their interests.
Elizabeth is a member of the Business Dispute and Resolution and Construction Practice Groups. Prior to joining Foley, Elizabeth held the roles of Assistant General Counsel and Assistant Public Defender for the State of Florida. As Assistant Public Defender, Elizabeth represented clients from arraignment, pretrial conference, mandatory docketing, violation of probation, evidentiary hearings, and through trial from voir dire to verdict. As Assistant General Counsel, Elizabeth prosecuted healthcare providers who represented a significant risk to the public by the continued practice of his or her profession.
- Member of the Florida Bar Association’s Governmental and Public Policy Advocacy Committee
- Member of the Phi Alpha Delta Fraternity
Presentations and Publications
- Presenter at the Department of Health Investigative Services Unit Annual Training (2022, 2023)