Media and content delivery companies distribute their product globally and dominate motion picture and television screens. Yet they are lining up to form alliances with consumer-driven new media technologies and content sources. This panel examines the strategic implications for old and new media of such alliances, the synergies and conflicts among global media giants and consumer-driven info-tainment, and the competition to acquire the next YouTube and its implications. How can “new” media companies work effectively with the dominant global enterprises? And what legal and other tools are available to resolve fundamental disputes over copyrights?
This panel was moderated by Carole E. Handler, Foley & Lardner LLP. Panelists included Jonathan H. Anschell, EVP and General Counsel, CBS Broadcasting, Inc.; Dean Marks, SVP IP, Corporate Business Development & Strategy, Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc.; and David Wertheimer, Executive Director, Entertainment Technology Center at USC.