Where to Bring Your Next Patent Suit? ITC and Madison as Rocket Docket Alternatives
The Patent Nation Conference series features complimentary programs for in-house counsel and business executives to exchange insights on the evolving patent landscape.
Obtaining prompt relief in a patent infringement case remains a significant consideration for patent holders. With uncertainty created by both congested dockets in what had been considered fast courts as well as the patent reform proposals in Congress, this Web conference examines two forums that offer fast paced alternatives: Section 337 investigations at the U.S. International Trade Commission (ITC) and the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Wisconsin in Madison. These fora often offer unique opportunities for patent holders to obtain prompt relief for infringement.
Section 337 investigations at the ITC often are completed in 15 months and offer powerful discovery tools and remedies. Among the topics this Web conference addressed are:
An overview of the structure of ITC investigations and how they compare with district court litigation
A discussion of the scope of the ITC’s jurisdiction, including the domestic industry requirement
A discussion of the available remedies, including limited and general exclusion orders
A discussion of the strategic considerations for whether Section 337 is appropriate venue
The U.S. District Court for the Western District of Wisconsin in Madison has become a favored venue for patent lawsuits: This program addressed:
A comparison of various popular U.S. District Court venues for patent infringement actions
A discussion of why the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Wisconsin has become such a popular venue for patent cases
An overview of the practice and procedure in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Wisconsin
Practice tips based upon more than 50 patent cases in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Wisconsin
Larry L. Shatzer, Partner and Chair, Intellectual Property Litigation Practice, Foley
Foley Panelists
Allen A. Arntsen, Partner, Intellectual Property Litigation Practice
Simon E. Dance, Partner, Intellectual Property Litigation Practice
Foley will apply for CLE credit after the Web conference.