For many government contractors these are uncertain times. With federal government expenditures sharply declining over the next few years (especially in the defense sector), how will this impact you? One fact is clear — if anyone questioned whether government contracts are affected by D.C. politics and the debate over federal spending, the recent debt limit increase debate ended such doubts. While the immediate crisis is now at least temporarily resolved, the future path is obvious — federal debt and budget-cutting issues will continue to dominate. There can be no doubt federal spending on discretionary programs will decrease in the coming years, but what programs will be reduced and how it will impact government contractors remains to be seen.
Yet, despite this cloudy future and even if billions are cut from agency budgets, the federal government will continue as the largest purchaser of goods and services in the world, providing significant business opportunities for savvy contractors who take prudent steps to weather the storm and take advantage of these uncertain times. If you aren’t already, you need to be one of these contractors!
This year’s seminar will focus on several core government contracting topics: protecting and preserving intellectual property; keys to becoming a successful GSA Schedule contractor; understanding the federal government’s export control regime and enforcement trends; and the latest changes impacting bid protests. In addition to these topics, we will provide updates on cutting-edge issues such as the National Export Initiative; implementation of the Federal Awardee Performance and Integrity Information System (FAPIIS); new developments in compliance requirements, as well as DoD’s proposed rule on safeguarding unclassified information. Finally, we will conclude with panel discussions on contractor options if the government defaults on its loans or shuts down due to a budget impasse and common misconceptions of government contracting. There will be ample time for questions and answers, as well as one-on-one discussions with the presenters.
We hope you can join us for this complimentary program and also join us at a post-seminar reception immediately after the last question and answer period to network with other attendees and presenters.
Seminar Topics
Federal Bid Protests
- Recent bid protest statistics
- Timeliness requirements
- Stopping performance during the protest
- Significant decisions of the Government Accountability Office (GAO), the U.S. Court of Federal Claims, and the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit
Becoming a Successful GSA Multiple Award Contractor
- Opportunities available in GSA contracting
- Completing the Commercial Sales Practice Chart
- Minimizing compliance risks
- Preparing for an audit
Protecting and Preserving Intellectual Property Rights
- Patent policy in government contracts
- Ownership and rights in technical data and computer software
- Protecting your rights
- Proposed changes in DoD
Export Controls
- What is an “export?”
- Where do I get a commodity jurisdiction ruling?
- When is a license required?
- Are there exemptions?
- Enforcement actions and trends
Additional Government Contracting Issues and Updates
- What happens to contractors if government budget or borrowing authority is interrupted?
- DoD’s proposed rule on safeguarding unclassified information
- The latest on the National Export Initiative
- Common misconceptions in government contracting
- New developments in compliance
- Federal Awardee Performance and Integrity Information System (FAPIIS)
Foley & Lardner LLP will apply for CLE credit after the program, wherever applicable. Foley certifies that this activity has been approved for California MCLE credits by the State Bar of California in the amount of 2.5 General credit(s). Foley is a State Bar of California MCLE approved provider. Please note that participants must be in attendance on the date of the event; credit may not be obtained by viewing and/or listening to a program recording after the event.