Annual 2018 ABA Criminal Justice Section Presents “Investigations Galore: The New Normal”
Partner and national chair of the Government Enforcement Defense & Investigations Practice Group Lisa M. Noller will appear as a panelist at the American Bar Association Criminal Justice Section’s Annual Meeting, in its presentation of “Investigations Galore: The New Normal” on August 2, 2108. As a follow-up to U.S. Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein’s Forum Address (at 4:30 p.m.), the panel will lead a town hall discussion on the increasing prominence and prevalence of investigations, from the corridors of power in Washington to towns, businesses, and schools across the nation. Ms. Noller and her fellow subject-matter experts will provide insights on the ethics, challenges, and best practices of conducting investigations in today’s heated environment.
The Section’s Annual Meeting program are all complimentary to attend. Attendees requiring accreditation should register and pay the limited $95 (members) package. To register, click here.