Vogel to Moderate Panel on Cybercrime, Cryptocurrency, and ICOs for State Bar of Texas
Foley Gardere attorney Peter Vogel will moderate a panel on Cybercrime, Cryptocurrency, and ICOs during an all-day seminar entitled “Handling Your First (or Next) White Collar Crime Case,” offered by the Texas Bar. The live seminar will take place on April 10, 2019, from 8:55 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (CDT) in Austin, with a simultaneous webcast for those who cannot attend in person.
This course is an introduction to corporate crime litigation. It will guide attendees through the basics of white collar crime. The faculty is a team of experienced private lawyers and government officials, who through years of experience will train participants in being successful in this type of litigation and representation.
Topics will include:
- First Steps in a White Collar Criminal Matter
- Cybercrime, Cryptocurrency, and ICOs
- What We Can Learn from the Office of Special Counsel’s Investigation into Russian Election Interference
- Effectively Resolving White Collar Criminal Matters
- Effective Written and Oral Advocacy in White Collar Matters
- Sentencing and Punishment Beyond Incarceration
This course will provide 6.25 hours of MCLE credit (including 1.25 hours of ethics) & will apply to TBLS credits in Civil Appellate, Civil Trial Law, Criminal Appellate, and Criminal Law. For those who can’t make it to the live event, this seminar will also be webcast live at the same time. Or, archived videos will become available on the TexasBarCLE website.
Early bird registration is available until March 27, 2019, for $195.00, after which the regular course fee of $245.00 becomes effective. Various discounts are available for attorneys licensed in Texas; members of the Texas Bar College; members of the State Bar Paralegal Division; Texas judges (full-time or retired) or judge’s staff attorneys, or officers and directors of TYLA, or members of the State Bar of Texas CLE Committee, or Commission for Lawyer Discipline – see the registration site for details.