29th Annual Law of Product Distribution & Franchise Seminar
2020 Vision: Strategies for Success
While we hope we’ll all be able to gather in person again by the date of this event, we’ve decided to offer our annual seminar as a webinar this year, just to ensure everyone stays safe. Rather than a single, full day of presentations, though, we’ll be offering this year’s topics over three weekly sessions. You can attend one, two, or all three sessions and report your attendance for CLE credits.
Event Overview
“Great, timely topics. I love that it keeps moving with 20-minute presentations.”
“Materials & presentations both valuable. Networking opportunity useful too.”
“Good refresher, plus I learned about a couple of things on which I should follow up.”
“First-time attendee. Very good overall. A lot of information. Fast, but I enjoyed all the content and learned a lot.”
The comments above, from some of last year’s attendees, tell the story: This fast-paced CLE event covers issues related to: (1) termination, non-renewal, and “changing the competitive circumstances” of dealers, distributors, and franchisees, (2) international distribution and franchising, and (3) the supply chain. The presenters are attorneys with extensive experience in all aspects of distribution and franchise law, and many draw upon their experience litigating distribution and franchise disputes to help clients avoid litigation altogether or at least minimize their exposure when litigation is inevitable. For nearly three decades, Foley has delivered hundreds of presentations to in-house counsel and other business professionals with distribution and franchise law concerns. Attending attorneys can receive CLE credit, but non-lawyers will find the presentations educational as well.
The seminar will be held over the course of three weeks, and you are welcome to attend any or all three sessions. Please click on the Accept button below to register for all three sessions (and attend any or all of them). If you have any questions or special needs, please contact Justine Mills at [email protected].
We hope many of you will join us for this program, which will be hosted as a Live Event over Microsoft Teams. We will have time to address your questions during the program, but you are also encouraged to send questions directly to [email protected] in advance of the program so we can make sure they are covered.
A calendar invite with log-in instructions will follow. You will need to have the (free) Microsoft Teams application installed on your computer for this program. There will not be an audio line dial-in for this webinar.
Foley & Lardner’s Distribution & Franchise Practice Group is proud to once again serve as the exclusive law firm sponsor of and an active participant in the Latino Franchise Symposium, which is oriented to the Hispanic franchise community in the U.S. and Latin America. This year’s Latino Franchise Symposium will be held at Pizza Hut’s headquarters with the option of attending either in-person or online using virtual reality software. To register, please visit https://www.latinoleadersfranchise.com/ for more information.
La Práctica de Distribución y Franquicias de Foley & Lardner nuevamente se enorgullece en servir como la firma de abogados en exclusiva y participante activo del Latino Franchise Symposium, que se orienta a la comunidad de franquicias hispana en E.U. y América Latina. Este año, el Latino Franchise Symposium se celebrará en el corporativo de Pizza Hut, y se tendrá la opción de atender ya sea en persona o en línea usando un programa de realidad virtual. Para registrarse por favor visite https://www.latinoleadersfranchise.com/ para más información.
CLE Information
Foley & Lardner LLP will apply for CLE credit after the program, wherever applicable. Foley & Lardner LLP is a State Bar of California MCLE approved provider. Credit may not be obtained by viewing and/or listening to a program recording after the event. Certificates of attendance will be distributed to eligible participants approximately eight weeks after the program via email.
Important Information for New York Attorneys: This program is appropriate for experienced attorneys only.