After more than two years of mostly virtual training programs, groups of Foley litigation attorneys were thrilled to have the opportunity to participate in multi-day workshops that brought them together with their peers for in-person, hands-on learning.
Motions Practice Workshop for Second-Year Associates
Over two dozen associates from 17 Foley offices came together in the firm’s San Diego office for this program. Prior to attending the in-person event, participants viewed two recorded pre-lectures so they could dedicate their full time together to group work and hands-on activities.
With instruction from Foley partners and senior counsel, the associates worked with a hypothetical case file to outline a brief and oral argument. They then delivered their argument in front of the workshop’s faculty, who provided real-time feedback on their presentations. Participants also observed a mock argument between two of the firm’s seasoned litigators.
The program included a group dinner, which provided an opportunity to network and build relationships with peers from different offices. Associates overall were:
Really impressed with the materials, the preparation of the event organizers, and the involvement of the partners” and “excited to be in person … [and] learn from Foley’s best and brightest.”
Advanced Trial Practice Workshop for Newer Partners
Twelve partners from nine Foley offices came together in Milwaukee for a master class on strategy considerations for trial, including the potential pitfalls that trial lawyers need to look out for. This in-person workshop followed a five-part lecture series that took place last year and was also available on-demand for participants to review.
Working with a detailed hypothetical case, the participants were placed into small groups to practice a variety of trial advocacy skills, including opening statements, closing arguments, and mock direct and cross examinations. Some of Foley’s most experienced litigators participated as faculty members for these small group sessions, providing helpful critiques of the participants’ performance. The program also included mock demonstrations by the faculty members.
The workshop featured small group dinners for participants and faculty alike to continue conversations and deepen connections across the firm. Many said they would like the opportunity to participate in this program again, either as an attendee or to play the role of an expert witness.
These workshops are just the first of several in-person trainings Foley litigation attorneys participate in and will be followed by in-depth programs on trial advocacy, depositions, and expert witnesses.