Peter S. Vogel, chair of the Electronic Discovery Group and Technology Industry Team at Gardere Wynne Sewell LLP, has been honored by the State Bar of Texas for his exceptional contributions in 2010 to the Bar's continuing legal education efforts.
"I am very humbled by this recognition," says Mr. Vogel. "It is a great honor to work with the people who make TexasBarCLE the best provider of continuing legal education in the country. These exceptional individuals deliver a great service to Texas lawyers, and I consider it a privilege to be a part of TexasBarCLE."
Mr. Vogel was one of eight volunteer lawyers to receive an award from the staff of TexasBarCLE, the Bar's division for providing continuing legal education nation. The award, a cobalt blue obelisk, is inscribed with "A Standing Ovation – Staff Appreciation for an Outstanding Volunteer of 2010."
"All of our volunteers deserve our gratitude for contributing to the continuing education of their peers. Nevertheless, some stand out each year for extraordinary dedication and commitment," says Patrick Nester, director of TexasBarCLE. "Without volunteers, CLE from the State Bar couldn't be nearly as high quality, as abundant, or as affordable. Attorney volunteers are the reason TexasBarCLE can claim the slogan, 'Education by the Bar, for the Bar.'"
A frequent developer and presenter of technology topics, Mr. Vogel earned accolades from the staff for combining an effective presentation style with useful content. He originated a webcast series for TexasBarCLE in 2010 on the emerging law pertaining to computers, technology and the Internet. He has spoken at TexasBarCLE seminars 37 times since 1997.
Mr. Vogel publishes the "Internet, Information Technology, and e-Discovery Blog." He is the founding chair of the State Bar's Computer and Technology Section, Law Practice Management Committee and Minimum Continuing Legal Education Committee. He also was the founding chair of the Texas Supreme Court Judicial Committee on Information Technology. Since 2000, Mr. Vogel has taught a course on the Law of eCommerce at the Southern Methodist University Dedman School of Law.