Androvett NewsWire covered the Dallas and Houston Annual MLK Jr. Oratory Competitions set to take place on Friday, Jan. 17. Fourth- and fifth-grade students will execute memorized essays that reflect the theme, "If Dr. King were speaking at a March on Washington today, what would he say?"
"There are many ways to pay tribute to Dr. King's life, but Gardere's oratory competition is unique in that it is designed to celebrate and explore his legacy," said Gardere Chair Holland N. O'Neil. "While the competition is centered on educational principles, having Dr. King's teachings examined through the fresh eyes of our fourth- and fifth-grade participants gives his words new relevancy."
The Dallas competition, co-presented by Dallas ISD, will take place at The Majestic Theatre, and the Houston competition, co-presented by Houston ISD, will be held at the historic downtown Antioch Missionary Baptist Church.
The full article can be viewed here.