NBC DFW Features Gardere’s 2008 MLK Jr. Oratory Competition Winner, Dalton Sherman
NBC DFW covered Gardere’s 2008 MLK Jr. Oratory Competition winner Dalton Sherman’s speech at the 2015 Dallas Independent School District Convocation. Sherman was invited to return after having given a speech at the same event seven years ago.
Sherman, who was a 10-year-old fifth grader at the time, was asked to speak at the 2008 DISD Convocation after gaining attention from his performance at Gardere’s 2008 MLK Competition. His speech “Do You Believe?” encouraged staff to have confidence in students and each other. Since then Sherman has appeared on both the Ellen DeGeneres and Oprah Winfrey shows, as well as NBC Today.
Now 17 years old, Sherman told NBC DFW that he describes himself as "a young man developing into his own, hoping to pursue a career in political science, become a lawyer and eventually get into politics."
The full article can be accessed here.