MSN included Gardere’s Houston MLK Jr. Oratory Competition winner Richard Espinosa-Garza in an online photo album featuring Martin Luther King Jr. Day images from across the U.S. Mr. Espinosa-Garza, a fifth-grade student at Cornelius Elementary, took first place in the 20th annual competition in Houston.
Twelve fourth- and fifth-grade students competed at the Houston finals event and presented original speeches answering the question: "What would Dr. King say in his campaign speech if he were running for president this year?”
“As president, I would stand firm like the statue of liberty as a symbol of hope and peace,” said Mr. Espinosa-Garza speaking from Dr. King’s point of view. “I would work tirelessly with Reunite America partners to seal the gaps of hate with the bonds of brotherhood so that while our soldiers are away fighting for our freedom, our communities are home strengthening our foundations.”
The full photo album can be accessed here.