Waxman Establishes Mentorship Initiative at University of California San Diego
Partner J. Mark Waxman and his wife, Paula, have launched a Mentorship Initiative at the California Institute for Innovation and Development at the Rady School of Management at the University of California San Diego. Waxman is an alumnus of the university.
The Mentorship Initiative will coordinate mentorship opportunities throughout the Rady School and create a forum to enhance and coordinate mentoring these opportunities and allow startup entrepreneurs to have a recognized resource of experienced mentors to help them move forward.
“Both Paula and I feel that mentoring is one of those things where everyone benefits,” Waxman told thisweek@ucsandiego. “Mentors benefit by providing valuable guidance and lessons to the next generation of businesses fostered through the university. It’s something without a price that we can give to the university community. For the mentees, it is a way of obtaining experienced advice and counsel at a phase of the business when the need is greatest, and the complex issues they face lead to success or failure.”
Read the entire article here.