Partner Alejandro Gomez-Strozzi was quoted in the Quadratin article, “Percepciones económicas,” about recent threats by the U.S. President to impose tariffs or restrictions on the imports of vehicles and auto parts. He said Mexico is protected thanks to the exclusions provided in the new treaty between Mexico, the United States and Canada (USMCA).
He also added that President Trump may use the threat of U.S. withdrawal from NAFTA as a means of pressuring the U.S. House of Representatives, now controlled by a Democratic majority, to vote on the USMCA agreed terms.
According to Gomez-Strozzi, a U.S. withdrawal from NAFTA would mean that the new agreement, USMCA, would not come into effect, and as a result, neither would the tariff exclusions it provides on 2.6 million passenger vehicles imported annually from Mexico (108 billion dollars in auto parts).