Swift Quoted in Washington Examiner About How Coronavirus Could Spur China to Fulfill Promise to Buy U.S. Agricultural Products
Partner Christopher Swift was quoted in the Washington Examiner article, “Coronavirus Outbreak Could Spur China to Fulfill Promise to Purchase U.S. Agricultural Products,” about how the new virus could have the unintended consequence of helping the U.S. government ensure that China keeps its promise to purchase over $40 billion worth of U.S. farm goods. China has made similar promises in the past, but has not always fulfilled them. This time, because of the impact of the virus on China’s domestic economy, China will need the farm goods.
The main problem caused by the coronavirus for the international economy has been the disruption in Chinese production and the corresponding effect that has had on companies that rely on China’s exports, noted Swift, an international trade lawyer. The story is different for those who export to China. “If their own domestic production is problematic because of the disruptions that they have had, they may actually need to buy stuff from [the] U.S.,” Swift said.