Foley & Lardner LLP’s 29th Annual MLK Jr. Oratory Competition has been the focus of widespread media coverage.
The annual competition, held in conjunction with Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday, invites fourth- and fifth-grade students in Chicago, Dallas and Houston to present original three- to five-minute speeches addressing the topic: “How do you think Dr. King’s teachings can help us today?”
At Friday’s final rounds of the competition, held virtually this year due to the COVID-19 pandemic, a total of 30 students from all three cities showcased months of preparation and hard work to deliver their prepared remarks.
The students were judged on their delivery, stage presence and decorum, content interpretation and memorization.
The annual competition, presented in the spirit of learning and celebration, is designed to highlight the cultural diversity of local communities while recognizing the writing and presentation skills of elementary school students. The competition also exposes students to the teachings of the slain civil rights leader and gives them an introduction to the legal profession at an early age.
The media coverage is available at the following links: