Schroeder Quoted in Law360 About the Momentum Behind Right-to-Work Laws
Partner Don Schroeder was quoted in a Law360 article titled, “States Still Seeing ‘Right-To-Work’ Efforts Amid PRO Act Push,” about the effort by unions and other worker advocates to end state laws barring union security agreements, while at the same time right-to-work laws are seeing momentum in some states.
Schroeder told Law360, “At the state level, there is this level of momentum by Republican-led legislatures to dust off earlier versions of right-to-work bills and see if they can get them passed in this environment.”
He added that right-to-work laws might also be the business community’s reaction to unions having an environment that’s more friendly to organizing than it’s been in the past. “Today, because of the various forms of social media that a lot of people use, almost everybody, it’s much easier for people to be exposed to efforts by unions to unionize…. I think that is resulting in obviously an awareness of those efforts and a response by the business community to address that.”