Mark Neuberger Quoted on Staff Vaccinations in Nursing Homes
Of Counsel Mark Neuberger was quoted in a New York Times article entitled, “Waiting on U.S. Mandate, Some Nursing Homes are Slow to Vaccinate Staff,” which reports on nursing homes—spanning several states—that have chosen not to implement vaccine mandates for their staff, and shares testimonies from people who have family members living in these facilities.
The Biden administration has said that nursing homes could face a loss of government funding if they do not comply, but the regulations for enforcement of a mandate have yet to be disclosed, though could be released in late October.
Neuberger shared that while some nursing homes have moved ahead with their own mandates, many are taking a wait-and-see approach. Residents and their families say they are frustrated, though some nursing homes have successfully imposed their own requirements, contributing to higher success rates and easing the nerves of cautious family members.