Nathaniel Lacktman Comments on SAMHSA’s Proposal To Make Virtual Buprenorphine Prescribing Permanent for Opioid Use Disorder
Foley & Lardner LLP Partner Nathaniel Lacktman is quoted in the Politico Pro article, “SAMHSA seeks to make virtual buprenorphine prescribing for opioid use disorder permanent,” discussing the U.S. Health and Human Services Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s (SAMHSA) recent notice of proposed rulemaking that would allow certified providers to prescribe the drug via audio-only or video-enable telehealth.
“This is a significant win,” said Lacktman, who is the chair of Foley’s national Telemedicine & Digital Health Industry Team, “And yet, this rule does not solve for the DEA’s Ryan Haight Act, nor state-by-state DEA controlled substance registrations, nor does it help all the patients who receive medication-assisted treatment for chronic conditions unrelated to opioids or substance use disorder. Those patients deserve access to care.”
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