Community Partnerships

Foley attorneys partner with local organizations throughout the United States to engage in outreach to the communities in which we practice. One special example of that is the firm’s nationwide partnership with the Boys and Girls Clubs of America, in which we are striving to increase that outreach by focusing on a social service agency serving primarily economically disadvantaged communities with significant Black populations. Each of our offices will be partnering and assisting with their local Clubs’ goal of assuring that success is within reach for every young person who enters their doors. These local partnerships will allow the firm to lend help in the areas that the Clubs, and students, most need it. Committees formed in each office are working to make sure that Foley attorneys and staff have amazing opportunities to work with the Clubs’ kids in meaningful and impactful ways. There are many opportunities while we respect local COVID restrictions, and we look forward to expanding our work with the Clubs and the kids as the year progresses. We will also be providing pro bono services to the Clubs in areas where they need legal assistance.
Foley’s Recent Work:
Boys & Girls Clubs of America
Foley partners with local Boys & Girls Clubs to provide meaningful and impactful work for both Foley and the local clubs. Initiatives include playground painting, pro bono work, mock trial teams, an art contest with reception afterwards, and a hiking trip.
Strong Girls Legislative History Project
Foley is assisting in the Strong Girls Legislative History Project, an initiative to require Florida schools to teach history through the lens of understanding the origins and implications of systematic racism.
Black Connect
Foley is partnering with Black Connect, a national organization focused on eliminating the racial wealth gap by increasing success rate for Black-owned businesses.
Cornerstone Racial and Social Justice Project
Foley and Health Law Advocates, Inc. are working on forming a Cornerstone Racial and Social Justice Project relating to racial and social justice issues regarding health care in Massachusetts.