How to protect clients from patent-marking suits
What attendees learned:
- What false marking is
- How to properly mark products
- Ways to defend against false-marking suits
- Recent developments and legislative actions
If clients have patented products, they’ll be looking for advice now that a recent federal appellate decision triggered a flurry of false-marking lawsuits claiming millions of dollars in damages.
This timely webcast seminar brought attendees up to date on fast-breaking developments and provided them ways to help their clients defend against patent-troll lawsuits — or avoid them altogether.
Building a strong defense strategy
At this webcast seminar, attendees also gained knowledge of the major issues facing patent-holding companies, including:
- The benefits of properly engaging in patent marking pursuant to 35 U.S.C. § 287(a)
- How to properly mark to receive the benefits afforded by 35 U.S.C. § 287(a)
- Recent case law relating to false patent marking
- False marking suits and associated litigation strategies
- Legislative actions in response to the recent false marking suits
- How to avoid false marking penalties under 35 U.S.C. § 292
Helping clients help themselves
The time to prepare for false-marking suits is now. This webcast provided the tools and techniques needed to help clients protect their patents — and their pocketbooks.
To learn more about this event, please visit the State Bar of Wisconsin Web site.