Litigation Avoidance Strategies – How to Reduce Legal Costs by Expanding Your Legal Team
Adding a litigator to your transactions team and having your litigation team consult a business lawyer can result in real cost savings for in-house counsel. Reducing exposure to potential future litigation and/or reducing costs in current litigation is something for which all clients and their counsel should strive. By refusing to compartmentalize their work, in-house legal departments can anticipate and proactively manage both litigation and business issues as they arise.
The women of the Foley’s Washington, D.C., Boston, and New York offices cordially invite you to attend a seminar exploring this topic in depth.
Erika Morabito, a Partner and the Vice Chair of Foley’s Litigation Department, will lead the discussion in our Washington, D.C. office. Erika also is Co-Chair of the Litigation Department at Foley’s Washington, D.C. office and outside general counsel for several large companies.
The event will be videocast live to our Boston and New York offices, where you can connect with Foley attorneys in your area. Breakfast will be served at all three locations.
Please RSVP by Friday, January 4, 2013. For more information about the event, please contact Michelle Leeds at [email protected].
This is the second in a three-part breakfast discussion series and will be followed up by our third event in Foley’s New York office on January 30, 2013.
Can’t join us live? Please join us by Web conference. Participation available upon registration.