Trade Smart, Trade Right, and Trade Compliant Seminar Co-sponsored by Copper Hill
Trade Smart, Trade Right, and Trade Compliant Seminar: Coping and Compliance Strategies for Frequent Importers
Enforcement of U.S. customs regulations is at an all-time high, with customs imposing record penalties and blocking over $1 billion worth of goods at the border this past year for violations of customs and other federal laws. In addition, due to the movement toward fully electronic import information, customs has the unprecedented ability to run sophisticated programs designed to identify potential underpayment of customs tariffs, leading to frequent requests for information and enforcement activity.

To help cope with these new enforcement realities, frequent importers need to up their compliance game. This seminar provides a full guide to the key issues facing importers today, including an overview of the basic customs requirements, avoiding the most common import errors, implementing customs best practices designed to prevent costly customs missteps, best practices for managing day-to-day import operations, and a guide to managing the new USMCA requirements.
Featured Speakers

Mary Cagle
Senior Director, Consulting Services
Copper Hill Inc.

Jenae Ciecko
President & CEO
Copper Hill Inc.

Hayley Dege
Vice President, FTA and Origin
Copper Hill Inc.

Brett Stanaway
Vice President, Consulting
Copper Hill Inc.

Martin Spencer
Executive Vice President
Copper Hill Inc.