Mexico’s Broad Assault on Corruption: Redefining Criminal Liability Through Accountability and Integrity Programs
Gardere partner Charles E. Meacham, co-chair of the firm’s international practice group, published an article in Texas Lawyer on the steps Mexico is taking to combat corruption in the country.
“Over the last five years, Mexico has undertaken important structural reforms to several segments of the Mexican economy, most notably, the energy sector that was previously closed off to foreign investment. However, these structural reforms also present new challenges to Mexico's efforts to combat and prevent corruption. The most recent step in that direction was the creation in 2016 of the Mexican Anti-Corruption System, which draws upon international efforts to combat corruption, including the adoption of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) in the U.S. in 1977.”
Meacham, a bilingual and bicultural international law specialist born and raised in Caracas, Venezuela, advises clients with cross-border projects throughout the Americas. Meacham opened the Gardere office in Mexico City in 1992, and was the resident U.S. partner in charge until 1996. He regularly advises clients doing business or seeking to do business in Mexico and Latin America on how to structure investments and projects.
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