This episode of The Path & The Practice features a conversation with Natasha Allen. Natasha is partner out of Foley’s Silicon Valley and San Francisco offices, focused on venture capital, M&A, and transactions. In this discussion, Natasha reflects on growing-up outside of Toronto, Canada. She reflects on her decision to attend law school and her decision to focus on tax law. Natasha discusses getting her L.L.M in tax and working for a Big Four accounting firm before moving to private practice. Natasha shares what she learned in the early years of her career and explains her decision to broaden her tax practice to a general corporate practice focused on venture capital and start-ups. She also discusses her decision to found her own law firm, prior to joining Foley, and provides wonderful advice on the importance of not self-selecting out of an opportunity. Listen to the full discussion below.
Natasha’s Profile:
- Title: Partner
- Practice Area: Venture Capital, Mergers & Acquisitions, Transactions
- Foley Office: Silicon Valley, San Francisco
- Hometown: Toronto, Ontario
- College: York University
- Law School: Queen’s University Faculty of Law
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Alexis P. Robertson
Director of Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion
[email protected]