Foley’s Client Share Initiative has received the “CIO 100 Award For Leadership In Client Service Technology Development” from CIO magazine this year and the firm has been honored by CIO in six of the past seven years. The magazine published a feature article, “How to Transform Your IT Department from Order Taker to Innovator,” in its August 6, 2007 issue, in which it quoted some of this year’s award-winners, including Foley’s CIO Doug Caddell, who discussed Foley’s Client Share Initiative.
Caddell was quoted as saying that companies need to first build a strong foundation, for example, Foley’s IT department had to show tech-skeptical attorneys what IT can do for their business. After considerable success in boosting the firm’s revenue, IT was invited to be involved in the Client Share development right from the start and made the department part of the business strategy, not just IT plans.
In the same issue of the magazine, Caddell was also quoted in another article, “Top Tips from the CIO 100: 15 Ways to Create Innovation with IT,” as saying that an IT department should not rest on its laurels and must continuously improve its position by building credibility, capitalizing on successes and marketing the IT department.