Hal Wegner is participating in a State Department mission to China to speak at an Embassy-organized intellectual property rights (IPR) Forum in Beijing and other speaking engagements in other Chinese cities from November 8-November 17. Wegner will discuss intellectual property rights (IPR) and their importance to innovation and entrepreneurialism.
The Forum will be attended by an audience of 300-400 key Chinese government and industry representatives. Follow-up programs will target university students and professors (in Economics, Law, and Business departments), think tanks, media, NGOs, and government officials.
In addition to the keynote address at the IPR Forum, speaking programs we arrange will consist of a mix of lectures, roundtables, media interviews, and one-on-one meetings, as appropriate in each post and host institution.
Program details:
Improving protections for IPR is a key element of Mission China’s #1 MSRP goal of Enhancing Economic Growth, Stability and Job Creation. A major part of the Embassy’s work in this area is encouraging the Chinese to better enforce the IPR regulations already on their books by emphasizing the importance of an effective IPR protection regime to the development of a robust innovation economy. The Ambassador’s IPR Forum, in showing the Chinese how improved IPR protections will benefit their own economy, will also help American companies to profitably participate in the Chinese market without the huge IPR losses they currently suffer.