The Business Journals reached out to Kenneth R. Glaser, chair of Gardere's Intellectual Property Practice Group, for an update on the intellectual property climate in Texas. The June 25 article was published in the Austin, Dallas, Houston, and San Antonio editions and is titled "Innovation, growth making Texas hub for IP work." An excerpt can be viewed below.
"Patent activity is increasing because companies are spending more money on innovation and competition," said Ken Glaser, a partner in the Dallas office of the Gardere Wynne Sewell law firm. "IP business has increased substantially for us."
Glaser looks at intellectual property legal work in three areas: investing in or licensing business ideas; enforcement or litigation of business ideas; and then the deals or transactions for ownership of business ideas. Legal work in Texas is up for all three of those areas, he said.
"Clients are even thinking about patent litigation more," Glaser said, "but they think about it the way they think about going to the dentist: It's something necessary, but they don't like to do it."