Schroeder Quoted in Law360 about Legislation to Curb the Use of Nondisclosure and Arbitration Agreements in Workplace Sexual Harassment Settlements
Partner Don Schroeder was quoted in a Law360 article, “States Act to Quell Harassment as #MeToo Momentum Surges,” about legislation being introduced in several states to curb the use of nondisclosure and mandatory arbitration provisions in workplace sexual harassment settlements.
Schroeder said that the length to which some employers have gone in limiting what their workers can say about harassment has drawn the public’s ire. “Some employers have pursued very aggressive prohibitions on confidentiality and publicity at the inception of a person’s employment, and I think that has been a deterrent to the filing of complaints of inappropriate workplace conduct,” he said. “I’m not surprised that states are trying to address this issue, given the scrutiny that it’s come under.”