Schroeder Quoted in The National Law Journal about Trump’s Legal Threats Against Bannon
Partner Don Schroeder was quoted in a National Law Journal article, “What Employment Lawyers Are Saying about Trump’s ‘Cease and Desist’ Against Bannon,” about whether the terms of Steve Bannon’s employment agreement would dictate whether he breached any confidentiality clauses or other clauses when he spoke to the author of a new book about Donald Trump’s presidency.
Schroeder noted that it is common for high-level executives to have restrictions imposed upon them when exiting a job, including confidentiality.
He said Trump could ask for injunctive relief to stop the publication of the book, but noted that any opinion commentary published in the bookwould not likely be considered libelous. “It will depend on how broad the confidentiality agreement is and how tight,” Schroeder said. “Every judge is different. You would have to show the threat of irreparable harm and the likelihood on the success of the merits.”