Arena Quoted in El Universal About the Impact of Outsourcing on the Mexican Economy
Partner Roberto Arena was quoted in the El Universal article, “IP no convence a 4T sobre riesgos para outsourcing,” how after two weeks of negotiations with the government, the private sector has not been able to convince it of the disastrous effects that eliminating outsourcing will have. The article highlights the opinion of the lawyers from Foley & Lardner México. S.C., regarding that completely eliminating outsourcing will have a negative impact on the competitiveness of Mexican and foreign companies that operate in the country, and on their attractiveness to attract foreign capital.
In the last 15 years, outsourcing has been provided and used for abusive, illegal and even criminal practices, but that does not mean that the entire scheme is necessarily illegal, because it serves other purposes and exists in other parts of the world,” Arena said.
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