Don Schroeder Comments on Surge of Union Organizing on College Campuses
Foley & Lardner LLP Partner Don Schroeder is quoted in the Law360 article, “Union Organizing is Surging on College Campuses,” discussing the revival of campus organizing as the COVID-19 pandemic recedes and a more labor-friendly National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) majority is in place.
Schroeder said the organizing resurgence was expected, as the new NLRB regime aims to encourage organizing, which removes an obstacle for a group with plenty of reasons to act.
“If you look at the historical gripes that graduate students have put forward, whether it was very low hourly rates, lack of health benefits, really having the opportunity to use the university or college’s resources and labs in a way that allows them to have access to the best equipment, you can understand why this group or this sector is ripe for organizing,” he explained.
Schroeder noted that the building momentum behind campus unionization efforts might mean a sustained level of continued organizing activity in the future.
“I think that it’ll be hard to unring the bell,” he added.