Donald Schroeder Discusses Massachusetts Gig Worker Benefits Plan
Foley & Lardner LLP Partner Donald Schroeder is quoted in the Law360 article, “Unions Split Over Massachusetts Gig Worker Benefits Plan,” discussing a proposed measure that would implement industry-wide wage and benefits standards and permit gig workers to unionize in the state.
The measure has divided labor groups in Massachusetts, with the International Association of Machinists and Service Employees International Union Local 32B in its favor and the International Brotherhood of Teamsters in opposition.
Schroeder said, “The Machinists and SEIU are saying, alright, instead of going after the third rail [of employee status] which everybody realizes is a very contentious issue, can we backdoor in certain benefits.”
The Teamsters opposition may stymie the bill, Schroeder noted. “If there’s that much opposition, I don’t know that anybody’s going to take this one to a full-blown battle,” he added.
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