Other Public Finance Services

We have particular experience helping clients like you in the following areas:
General Government Finance: We assist our governmental clients, ranging from states and major state authorities to small governments, with both simple and sophisticated deals involving specific projects, capital programs, and cash-flow borrowings.
Airport and Transportation: We have represented most of the major airports in the United States in connection with financings and other matters, including participating in more than 100 airport financings totaling more than $20 billion. We have extensive experience with every type of sophisticated financing mechanism, including letters of credit, multiple lien structures, passenger facility charge bonds, letter of intent bonds, special facilities revenue bonds, interest rate swaps, and commercial paper programs.
Housing: We leverage our background in tax credits and many other sources of housing mortgage assistance to assist you with single-family and veterans’ housing financings needs.
Economic Development: Economic development motivates many different financings, including tax incremental financings, special service area bonds, and financings for civic and convention centers, hotels, and sports stadiums. We have participated in these financings and written key portions of the law in several states that enables these financings. We will use this experience to develop and execute strategic planning that can help you achieve your goals.
Student Loans: We will provide you with counsel in student-loan asset-backed programs and revenue bond financings. As both the industry and your needs evolve and change, we will provide sound counsel on federally guaranteed loan programs and private loan programs, direct lending and secondary market transactions, and counseling on all legal matters affecting industry participants.
Public Finance Asset Securitization: Using our experience with more than $100 billion in transactions involving tobacco bonds, student loan bonds, single-family and military housing, synthetic bonds, and tender option bonds, we will assist you with your asset securitization.
Swaps and Derivatives: We can assist you in completing public finance transactions that involve swaps and derivatives. Whether you are a bond issuer or counterparty, we will help you address the related regulatory compliance and federal and international tax issues that arise in these complex transactions.