Bid Preparation and Protests

A successful proposal starts with understanding what the government wants and, when possible, shaping the RFP response to your competitive advantage. During the pre-proposal phase, we will consult with you to identify and resolve ambiguities and ensure that the solicitation contains the correct clauses. We also develop questions for formal question and answer (Q&A) sessions to help you shape the procurement to your technical advantage.
While we pride ourselves on being quick studies on the business side of issues, we also recognize that our primary added value lies in taking what you know and packaging that knowledge in an appropriate manner, consistent with all applicable government contracting requirements, thereby presenting a compelling case for government agency review.
Should protests arise, we challenge and defend agency procurements and contract awards in every cognizant forum — the contracting agency, the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO), the U.S. Court of Federal Claims, and the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit. As necessary, we will litigate to reverse agency overrides of the automatic stay under the Competition in Contracting Act.