Florida’s Gamble to Lower Prescription Drug Prices with Canadian Imports: Will Other States Follow or Will It Backfire?

On April 11, Foley partner David Rosen, co-chair of the firm’s FDA Practice Group and former FDA/CDER Senior Offical, will be speaking on the panel “Florida’s Gamble to Lower Prescription Drug Prices with Canadian Imports: Will Other States Follow or Will It Backfire?” at the New York State Bar Association’s Food, Drug & Cosmetic Law Section 2024 Spring Meeting.
What will the health care/life science legal landscape look like in 2024?
With the rise of personalized medicine, digital therapeutics and AI, we can expect new laws and regulations governing these healthcare innovations. The U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) and the U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC) have expanded their oversight of cosmetics and health claims, respectively. We await the Supreme Court opinion on who has standing to challenge FDA drug approvals, and the possible avalanche of challenges if the appellate court definition is affirmed.
Hence the need to examine how these changes will impact the healthcare and life science legal community.
This year’s Spring Meeting will focus on the following:
- The Modernization of Cosmetic Regulations Act of 2022 and its impact on the industry.
- The implementation of FTCs health care product compliance guidelines.
- The next regulatory frontier for telemedicine post Covid-19.
- Use of AI in drug research and predictive personalized patient care, and the legal issues around these uses.
- Will the mifepristone decision redefine standing to challenge FDA drug approvals?