Maebius and Barner Quoted on America Invents Act
Foley Partners Stephen Maebius and Sharon Barner were quoted in an article that appeared in BNA’s Patent, Trademark and Copyright Law Daily on September 13, 2011 titled “Stakeholders Provide Suggestions to Prepare For Changes in Practice After Patent Reform.” Maebius and Barner discuss changes in practice that patent holders and applicants must make to meet the requirements of the America Invents Act. Maebius identifies cost as an immediate concern for patent applicants, stating that applicants will need to budget more money for patent filings to meet a 15 percent increase in most filing fees. Barner adds that the Act’s first-to-file system will require applicants to file applications more quickly in order to obtain priority and secure patent rights, and recognizes the first-to-file requirements as a fundamental mental shift for small and medium inventors.