Irwin Raij and Bob DuPuy spoke at the 3rd Annual Penn Institute for Urban Research Roundtable on Anchor Institutions, “Ballparks as Urban Anchors,” December 1-2, 2011 at the University of Pennsylvania.
On December 1, Irwin talked about how ballparks can anchor urban revitalization on the Public Discussion Panel: “Ballparks as Urban Anchors.” On December 2, he presented “It’s Not Just a Ballpark,” on behalf of former Mayor of Miami, Miami Diaz on the Resource Panel. Also on December 2, Bob DuPuy presented “Why Cities Matter the Business of Baseball,” on the Resource Panel.
The Penn Institute for Urban Research (Penn IUR) is a university–wide body that addresses the issues of 21st century cities locally and globally. Comprehensive in scope and integrative in practice, Penn IUR is dedicated to fostering understanding of cities and developing new knowledge vital to charting the course of local, national, and international urbanization. Penn IUR believes that place matters in understanding political, social and economic phenomena and that spatially based approaches are essential to identifying contemporary urban challenges, strategies and solutions and their application to public policy. Penn IUR offers several programs to support urban-focused, cross–disciplinary instruction, research and civic engagement. Our programs focus on building knowledge in three critical areas: innovative urban development strategies; building the sustainable, 21st-century city; and the role of anchor institutions in urban places.
The third Penn IUR Roundtable on Anchor Institutions (PRAI) focused on ballparks and the important issues they face as urban anchors. In their role as anchors, ballparks not only provide centers for sports and other civic activities, but also have the capacity to build wealth for their local economies. PRAI 2011 explores the critical issues facing ballparks as they seek to fulfill their core missions while also anchoring their surrounding neighborhood or city.
Please click here for more information about the event.